With your Bartercard business, life can get fairly hectic. Maybe it doesn’t feel as productive as it could be. Some people aren’t morning people it’s understandable. Or perhaps the sheer volume of tasks to do seems almost overwhelming.
Read MoreExperts Agree – Do these 3 Tasks To Make Your Work Day More Productive
Topics: Workplace productivity, Productivity
5 easy steps to get a return on your marketing dollar
No business can afford to waste their limited marketing resources on campaigns that are hit or miss. Instead, you need to plan, and track marketing efforts so you can learn what really works and what doesn’t.
Read MoreStrategic business planning: Goal setting
As business owners, we are often so consumed by the day-to-day activities of running a business that there is little time or resource to assess strategy. It is easy to forget that strategy is essential to the success of a business and a fundamental that managers should be focussed on.
Read MoreA transformation that can provide lessons for all businesses
A simple yet effective way of creating a digitally-friendly workplace is by introducing incentives to motivate employees to adopt new technologies and embrace change.
Read MoreHow to embrace new technology
Do you remember the last time that you had to fumble as you fed a printed document into a fax machine? Not knowing if it had reached its destination? Thankfully, it is a tedious process that we don’t have to deal with anymore. It makes you wonder how we coped with office administration before email.
Make marketing a full time job
Your brand is the sum of many parts, and most of them are based on perception. You are more than welcome to spread any information about your company that you'd like, but if your actions and public persona disagree with the message you're spreading, you're probably going to raise some questions.
Read MoreGood staff is good business
You're the driving force in your business, but without your employees, you'd never be where you are today. Your human capital is a serious investment, and your team deserves the attention you'd give any major expense in your company.
Read MoreLooking at the bigger (financial) picture
Understanding the financial health of your business can be extremely overwhelming, especially if you're too busy on the floor with your team to take a look at what's going on at a higher level.
Read MoreTopics: business strategies, small business new zealand, Cashflow
Why technology matters
Technology is a vitally important part of doing business, especially in this day and age. How you market your services, how customers interact with you, and how sales are made is often directly linked to how well you use modern approaches to technology.
Read MoreTopics: business strategies, growing your business
Be the change you want to see
The day you've waited for is finally here. You've spent years in research and development and it's finally time to sit back and enjoy the spoils from your brand new amazing product. There’s just one problem: your customers hate it. So what now?
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