Businesses are always looking for new ways to generate extra income and boost their market share. When a brand develops and markets new brands that are slight variations on similar, existing products, the result is a phenomenon known as brand proliferation. Below, we discuss what you need to know about brand proliferation and how it impacts your business.
Read MoreWhat You Need to Know About Brand Proliferation
Topics: small business, attract new customers, branding, barter, business needs, customer loyalty, marketing
What are the phases of a business cycle?
A business cycle is the natural rise and fall of economic growth over a period of time. The cycle is a useful tool for analysing the wider economy, as the upward and downward fluctuations show variations in production, employment, wages, and investment. Understanding the cycle allows you as a business owner to make better financial decisions with the goal of helping your business increase profit despite the downturns. Today we discuss the five main phases of a business cycle: expansion, peak, recession, trough, and recovery.
Read MoreTopics: small business owner, bartercard, attract new customers, business blog, increase sales, barter, business needs, trade dollars
What are the Biggest Challenges Faced by Business Networks?
Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) often lack the sheer size they need to compete with much larger, international firms. Doing business in an environment where you’re one of the smaller fish is difficult, which is why smaller businesses often align their objectives with other, similar businesses to create business networks. These networks let SMEs work together to accomplish larger objectives, which increases their competitiveness with bigger companies, and as such, they’re very important for the businesses involved.
Read MoreTopics: build business networks, barter, business needs, networking, trade dollars
The Benefits of Bartercard as an Additional Income Stream
Very few businesses in the world would willingly say “no” to more sales. After all, businesses exist to increase profit, and business owners and employees are working to earn a living and support their families. However, generating those additional sales can be a major challenge. Clients don’t just fall into our laps. Often, you have to invest a lot of time and effort in marketing before you see any results.
Read MoreTopics: growing your business, small business owner, increase cash flow, small business, attract new customers, save cash, build business networks, business blog, increase sales, barter, networking
Dispelling the Biggest Bartercard Myths
Bartering has been around since ancient times. Our ancestors were practicing it long before us – especially in times when money didn’t even exist. It’s a simple concept. Barter is the exchange of goods and services for other goods and services people offer. Today, the barter trading system has been refined to fit modern day business models and businesses’ needs. Though it still follows the same concept, barter has now opened more opportunities for businesses to capitalise on their unrealized potential. Still, some people misconstrue how the whole Bartercard system works. Is it a scheme? Is it a way to avoid taxes? These are valid questions and today, our blog will clear up some misconceptions surrounding incorrect Bartercard reviews, and hopefully give an insight into how Bartercard works. Let’s take a look!
Read MoreTopics: build business networks, Bartercard myths, mythbusted, unrealised potential, increase sales, barter, business needs
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